Risk Assessment and Time-based media
Time-based media (TBM) is a thriving area in contemporary art, which is made up of a rich and diverse group of art practices, such as performance, video art, and installation.
By combining my experience with internal controls in financial institutions, with my interest in TBM conservation, I explore the possibilities and applicability of a formal risk assessment process in improving the controls in place within art institutions. The research started as part of my MA (Sotheby’s Institute London) dissertation.
Moving forward with my research, I am in the pursuit of live case studies where I can develop the following areas:
- Documentation analysis
- Internal controls analysis
- Risk Assessment in TBM conservation
- Risk Assessment for specific artwork
My main focus is on public institutions, but it would be possible to easily adapt to a private collection.
If you would like to know more or wants to propose a project, please get in touch.