Art Consultancy
My specialisation as consultant is in Western based contemporary art, blue chip galleries and emerging artists. My main markets are Berlin, London, Lisbon and São Paulo, cities where I lived and studied art.
My main goal is to help young and experienced collectors in understating their collection and contextualising their practice within a broader and more international art world. By introducing new artists and galleries, I help my collector’s view on what they have and how to enhance their collections with new artworks and unexpected artists in different mediums.
My curatorial practice is grounded in working with cutting edge artists and thematics, often in collaboration with project spaces and young galleries.
Currently my interests have lead to research focused on current social, political and technology theory. The exhibition functioning as an entrance point to new concepts that are yet to be widespread to the general audience. The exhibition behaves in two realms: the first is the visual that relies on aesthetics and one’s own perception and knowledge to interpret the works. The second is the conceptual, where the viewer accesses theories and new ideas in the unique form of an art exhibition.
Both are equally important whilst creating an exhibition that simultaneously does not demand previous knowledge or is over intellectualised but still offers access to new thinking by illustrating or engaging in debates surrounding these themes.
Bespoke Art Tours (including Art Fairs)
Especially when working with new collectors, the art tour format is the best way to give an overview of a city’s art scene and explore current trends in the art market. The tours are always created based upon the collectors own interests and artworks in mind, but still strive to present unexpected dialogues. This way the experience is both familiar and challenging allowing a relevant dialogue between the collector and the broader contemporary art scene.
New cities
During the next months I’m developing new projects in the following cities:
Mexico City, São Paulo, San Diego CA, Southern Italy and Venice.
If you are interested in artists or galleries from these regions or are based there, please, let me know, it will be a pleasure to meet you.